Karen Robock Karen Robock

rise and shine

If you want to join the 5am club, now’s the time to learn how to finally become a morning person.

Rise and Shine, Canadian Living, January/February 2024.

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Karen Robock Karen Robock

got something in your eye?

What’s making you wince might be difficult to see, but we’ve got the tips to help you feel better fast.

Got Something In Your Eye? Prevention, September, 2023.

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Karen Robock Karen Robock

goodbye, guilt

Whether you’re a people pleaser, boundary breaker, or victim of the comparison trap, you can learn to let go of guilt and finally quiet that inner critic.

Goodbye, Guilt, Canadian Living, July/August, 2023.

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Karen Robock Karen Robock

kidney health

Everything you don’t know about your kidneys, but should.

A Primer on Kidney Health, Best Health, February/March 2023.

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Karen Robock Karen Robock

all about number two

What’s normal, what’s not, and when you should talk to your doctor.

All You Need to Know about Number Two, Canadian Living, June, 2022

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